Sunday, September 28, 2014

Voices and FenCon

Wow, what a weekend. I went to the FenCon conference and roomed with Angela. While I didn't run across any paranormal happenings, as I have previously, it was a lot of fun.
At the Simmons household, there's been something going on, and I still haven't figured it out. Hub always sets the TV timer and falls asleep with Letterman on. After he zonks out and the TV is silent, I read until I get sleepy, which can sometimes be a couple hours. But things have been sort of weird around here during those hours this past week. At first, I thought, Kids are prowling the streets again and talking their heads off. The problem was, I couldn't understand anything they were saying; it was a lot of mumbling. And it didn't move away, as it would have if a group of kids was walking past the house.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Something to Think About

I promised a long blog this week, to make up for skipping last week. So this one will be a combination of some of the happenings here at the house, and one of the concerns I've encountered in dealing with paranormal investigating.
As to the Simmons' house incidents, there have been several lately. Unfortunately, the bulk of them are pretty much the standard fare for around here. The little lady in the kitchen has been pretty strong. Also, it's never unusual for me to see Howard, either passing by one of the windows outside or getting a glimpse of his white shirt somewhere here in the house. Howard isn't a ghost who is tied to one spot. In fact, people who have read Howard's story in one of my sets of diaries know he was a practicing doctor in a community nearly an hour's drive from where he "haunts" now: my house. I must have glimpsed him at least a dozen times the past couple weeks, one time I'm going to talk about more below.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Swimming with Ghosts

We had a very different investigation last Saturday night, August 30. Frankly, each investigation is unique, but there are always certain similarities with how the communications are handled and how they work. We use KII's, of course, and my trigger object, the Raggedy Ann doll that Aunt Belle named Anna Lee. We also have had a lot of success with those flashlights that screw on and off. SRT's equipment tech, Timmy, has a rempod, and we were using that, also, on Saturday night.

Dead Man Ohio!

Heading out on an investigation this afternoon, but wanted to put this up first. Y'all enjoy! Will work on another set of diaries next.
T. M.